Events and Parties Throughout the Year
All events will have great food and drinks! All events require dress attire (jacket / tie optional) with the exception of the Poinsettia Ball / Benefactors Dinner which is a black tie event.
- Spring Party – Annual Kickoff (March)
- Summer Debutante Reception (June)
- Fall Party in support of the Birmingham Women’s Committee Ballet Extravaganza. Great social event with plenty of food, drinks and silent/live auction items.
- Annual Christmas Party (December)
- Poinsettia Ball (December)
- Benefactor’s Dinner (separate contribution) at Vestavia Country Club. Poinsettia Men’s Club hosts a black-tie cocktail party, dinner, Debutante presentation and Ball. All proceeds from the Ball help support the Alabama Ballet through the Birmingham Women’s Committee.

Vestavia Country Club